Know your Internet Neighborhoods
Have you done all of the right SEO practices and find your rankings aren't showing positive results? Then it may be time to start looking at your linking neighborhoods. To put it in simple terms your online neighborhoods define who you are and who you associate with. Good links from good sites gain you positive results and bad links from bad sites gain you a negative result.
Inbound links is one of the fundamental necessities in good SEO. If you have read our previous posts on how to get high rankings, and you have sites linking to you but your rankings don't show positive results then it may be time to look at who is linking to you. If you find sites that have negative associations then you want to contact them and ask them to remove your link from their site.
What do bad sites look like? Bad neighborhoods can be sites that spam, steal content, use keyword stuffing, use doorway pages, use hidden text, and violators of copyrights. Other members of known bad neighborhoods are gambling sites, porn sites, and sites that engage in fraudulent activities.
If you want to know whether or not a site is blacklisted in Google you can do a search on the domain name by inputting the following into a search field: site: If no results come up for an established site then chances are they are a bad neighborhood site.
A great tool to check your site links is the "Text Link Checker Tool". Use this tool to see if the sites that are linking to you are reputable.
So remember a bad neighborhood website is a website that engages in dirty tricks to gain rankings.